The Serval
The Serval is a wild cat from Africa.
Its length is about 85 cm and that of its tail about 35 cm.
Its weight is 20 to 40 lbs. He has long legs and a slender head, his ears are both long and wide in comparison with his head, and have the particularity of being rounded at their end.
The appearance of its fur is variable. Although most servals sport multiple dots or spots in the manner of leopards, some have no markings
apparent only a few spots above the eyes and rings around the tail. There are also all-black Servals.
The serval’s ears and long neck help it see above tall Savannah grasses.
The serval is carnivorous. After locating its prey, usually at dusk, and often thanks to its hearing, the Serval leaps with dexterity.
It makes jumps of four meters long and more than one meter high before striking its victim with its forelegs. It feeds on rats, rodents, birds, fish and large insects. The wetland serval is fond of frogs.
Crossing it with the domestic cat gives the Savannah.